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Tag Archives: Iraq
Pentagon Official: The Facts Are In, And Obama’s Policy Is a Direct Danger to the United States
Pentagon Official: The Facts Are In, And Obama’s Policy Is a Direct Danger to the United States Joseph Miller is the pen name for a ranking Department of Defense official with a background in U.S. special operations and combat experience … Continue reading →

A Global Jihadist Civil War, Let Them Fight
Fighting in Syria spawns separate civil war in global jihadist movement Syria’s bloody civil war has spawned a separate rift with ramifications well beyond the region known as the Levant — a battle for the very soul of the global … Continue reading →

As the World Disintegrates Obama approaches the 3rd Tee
As the World Disintegrates Obama approaches the 3rd Tee While Israel takes care of business and KILLS its enemies, Palestinians and Hamas… Israeli airstrike levels 7-story building in Gaza GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli airstrikes leveled a seven-floor … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Baghdad Bombings, Barack Hussein Obama, Hamas, Iraq, ISIS, Israel, K.T. McFarland, Obama and Golf, Palestinians, We The People
Let’s Play *Mission Impossible*
Obama to send up to 300 military advisers to Iraq (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday the United States would send up to 300 military advisers to support Iraqi forces confronting an al Qaeda-inspired insurgency and was prepared … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, Civil War in Iraq, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Iraq: Mission Impossible, K.T. McFarland