Disavowed by GOP leaders, Trump has supporters cheering

Disavowed by GOP leaders, Trump has supporters cheering

CONCORD NH (AP) — The Republican establishment may hope this is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump’s circus-like run for the presidency.

But as the fallout intensifies after the billionaire businessman mocked Sen. John McCain’s war hero status, Trump’s supporters are more excited than ever about his chances. SOURCE

I happen to like Trump’s style and I will support Donald J. Trump for as long as he is a viable candidate, even if it’s as an Independent candidate. If that causes you to not like me, if it gives you problems, just dump me from your friends list or daily blog list, you don’t need to try and start a name-calling pissing contest. ‪#‎Trump2016

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12 Responses to Disavowed by GOP leaders, Trump has supporters cheering

  1. Capt Ron says:

    I’m not quite sure about Donald Trump, I don’t have a strong feeling on his foreign policies. I will NOT dump you off my friends list, I tell you.

    • Shana Sosa says:

      I feel the same about his foreign policy. I keep reiterating that to friends. But, can it be worse than Obama’s?? I say to RINO’s, stop running scared, stop trying to get any and everyone to boycott him. If he’s not what we really want he’ll flame out on his own. Why look like every other asshole out there cutting down their own party?

  2. Eugene Kipp says:

    I agree with you Fred. Just hope he can sustain it thru Nov 2016

  3. cary says:

    Hey, anyone who doesn’t like McCain for his politics is a friend of mine … and I’m enjoying watching the MSM and the Grand Old RINOs have absolute fits about the guy!

  4. LD Jackson says:

    Donald Trump is doing what Donald Trump does best. He has no filter for whatever he says and it doesn’t matter to him who gets crossways with what he has to say. I like that about him, even if I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says.

    And I’ll say this for him; he has the GOP establishment running scared. That’s a vote up in my book.

  5. dekare says:

    This is my response from another blog on how I feel about Trump.

    Also, I just came up with a new slogan. “obama played the race card, hiLIARy will play the misogyny card…I prefer to play the Trump card.”

    Right now, I am a Trump voter. A lot of people are making a big deal over his mcCain comment about liking guys who do not get captured. Hey, we all get mad and attack without thinking. Trump is a man who is on the offensive and is up against not only dems, but republicans as well. He is alone, and is not used to losing often. So, he attacked back, and simply hit below the belt. Is there anyone that can realisitically believe that Trump dislikes all POW’s…seriously?

    And then there is the point that Trump gave money to dems, and other politicians. As if to say Trump will go where the wind blows. I think he explained it well…as a businessman, he paid off any politician that he could use to benefit himself. He had business in NY, and had to pay off NY politicians of all types in order to get what he wanted. And if anything, this proves that ALL politicians are beholden to lots of people the moment the get into office. Thus, all of their good intentions are out the door when a money contribution donor asks for a favor. They can NOT say no. Whereas Trump, well he will be beholden to no one.

    Trump is loved my lots of people, and has more money than he will ever need. At his age, Trump is probably starting to think about his legacy. Being stupidly rich is one nice way to be remembered.
    But being a president…and a damn good one, well that cements a darn nice legacy. Plus, Disney makes a robot of you for the Hall of Presidents…how cool is that?

    Trump, if he is president, will not owe anyone anything, and will not do something because someone will line his pockets. If president, he will do what is good for America. And capitalism will be preserved by him. Trump also believes in hard work, and something he will require of anyone who is able bodies and somehow, still on welfare. These two notions are what this country needs desperately. Remove the red tape and high taxes on business and let them do what they do best…grow, hire people, provide stuff, and pay taxes, Second, cut the expense of the liabilities that are killing this country. I do think Social Security and Military are both taboo and should be preserved. Also these two things were already paid for by those receiving these benefits…either in a lifetime of payroll deductions or in blood. This is a debt the govt must pay back. Any other entitlement, well, some trimming needs to be done.

    I am at a point where I want a non-politician. A guy who will not preserve the status quo of politics. How many times do we hear that we should “think outside the box”, yet in Washington, no one changes the way things have always been done. And why? Because that’s the way it has always been done. I believe that Trump will think and ACT outside the box. I am so tired of indirect non-answer answers, politicians saying a whole lot of nothing, and going along to get along nonsense. I think Trump will not get in line like politicians are expected when they join the big boys club. And that is what ALL of the politicians are afraid of on both sides of the aisle.

    Trump will upset the apple cart, and the gravy train that both sides feed from and they fear this will be put to an end. Imagine Washington being run like a real business? Imagine if politicians had to produce something of value to justify their positions? If politicians had to live within their means like all of us have to. OMG…how great would that be? No other politician can or will do this.

    I may be wrong, but I think that whoever gets the nomination, regardless of who it is, the America people, when the time comes to vote, will vote their party lines. That leave the independents. People so stupid that they do not know where they stand…and they will decide the fate of our country. WOW. So, who will be likeable to them?

    I also believe that The Donald will not go third party. He is not stupid and he knows that this will not only not get him a win, but will hand one to hiLIARy. Trump is a patriot, and I am sure he will want any of the republican choices over hilLIARy.

    Look at what the last three way race prior to ross perot did to this country. Good old teddy roosevelt let his ego interfere and gave us woodrow wilson (hock…ptui). A man so evil and vile…and our first communist president. This man is why we pay income taxes. Of course, it started out as only for the very rich and only a very small almost unnoticeable amount. Yeah…see where that went. The moment you open any door for any politician to let out one single small animal, they figure out a way to swing both doors wide open and cause a stampede. And We The People get trampled everytime.

    So, I have to believe Trump will bow out if it looks like that is the way things need to be.

    And even with Cruz as my second choice, I would be okay with him and maybe any of the republican nominees except for one…jeb. MY GOD, we do NOT need another new world order RINO in the white house. His father…”read my lips” nonsense and his bother, other than his war stance, did very little to impress me. Are voters so stupid that they need a recognizable name to vote for?

    Anyway, if hiLIARy gets in, we will have sealed our fate. It will prove that Americans were not meant to survive as the Founding Fathers had planned for us. We will become a socialist state, and soon after, communism. The great experiment will be a failure. Well, it was said that ALL democracies kill themselves. That once the leeches of society realize they can vote themselves gifts from the treasury, and politicians can get into office by promising these gifts, it’s all but over. And as Ben Franklin had warned us…”If we can keep it”. We will have shown we could not.

    Conservatives did nothing, letting little things go here and there. Never sticking up for our values. Our live and let live attitude getting the better of us. Appeasement minded, hoping that every give would be the last.

    It is said that everyone gets the government we deserve. That will hold true. Conservative parents not teaching their children. Letting them go off to school to learn liberalism. Giving them no strong foundations. Telling them they were all special and deserving. So many were so desperate to give their children the things they did not have as a child, and protect them from the difficulties that they encountered in life, that they denied them the most valuable thing of all. The lessons that are learned with these hardships. We suffered and were better people for it. Why did we think raising our children differently than how we were raised would produce like minded adults.

    I hope we can show Mr. Franklin that we could keep it.

    • TexasFred says:

      Well, I have to get this off my chest; I am not playing, and can not play this *lesser of the evils* crap again… No more holding my nose to ignore the stink of a damned RINO…

      No vote is a wasted vote in my opinion, we have gone through this on what, the last 3 POTUS elections? No more my friends, I will vote for the Conservative, no matter if it’s a GOP ticket or an Indy ticket, and I see 2 Conservatives so far, Trump and Cruz.

      How about a Trump/Cruz ticket?

      It’s a can’t win you say? In the immortal words of Kinky Friedman, “Why the hell not?” Trump/Cruz2016

      • dekare says:

        A Trump/Cruz ticket would be excellent. It gets someone in who doesn’t play the political nonsense status quo game. Maybe even reverse some of the damage by the progs. Best of all, it sets Cruz up for a takeover as president after Trump.

        I think I will agree with you on the third party thing. If the GOP gives me jeb or christie or any of those RINO nitwits, and Trump runs as an indy…well the hell with hit. I will pull the lever for Trump anyway.

        Yeah, he more than likely will not win, and it will put hiLIARy in the whitehouse, but I have to say, I want my enemies out in front. A RINO is not much better than hiLIARy, so we might as well as send a message that the GOP is dead to us if they pull that crap for a third time.

        I would rather my country get screwed over by a progressive and let them take the blame when the system crashes, as opposed to someone telling me that it was “my guy” that destroyed America.

        If the GOP is listening, it will not shove another RINO in our face. I too am tired of holding my nose while at the ballot box. If they do it, I will vote indy, and try to find something else to do with my time than get involved with politics. I mean, how many times can you see your team gets destroyed before you quit cheering for them to win? For the GOP, this is their last chance for me. Put up or I’m out.

  6. Wayne says:

    I voted for Ross in “92 and didn’t feel any ill effects, other than having to put up with that POS slick willie for 8 years. I can’t even think of his despicable wife as president. We have a long way to go before “16 November and I can’t shake the feeling that we won’t have an election. Hell, we may not even be the USA anymore the way the world looks now.

  7. mrchuck says:

    Like a White House card game. You put up a Hillary and I will TRUMP it!
    Trump/Cruz can win.

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