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Tag Archives: FOX News
For Perry & Hannity — Guns on the Border, for Obama — BBQ
For Perry & Hannity — Guns on the Border, for Obama — BBQ Rick Perry and Sean Hannity show guns at border If President Obama wouldn’t go with Gov. Rick Perry to tour the border, he found someone else who … Continue reading →

Dear BLM; The Eyes of Texas have you in the Crosshairs!
Republicans warn BLM eyeing land grab along Texas-Oklahoma border Texas officials are raising alarm that the Bureau of Land Management, on the heels of its dust-up with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, might be eyeing a massive land grab in northern … Continue reading →

Posted in Texas
Tagged Attorney General Greg Abbott, Barack Hussein Obama, BLM Director Neil Kornze, BLM Test Case, Breitbart.com, Bureau of Land Management, Cliven Bundy, Eric Holder, FOX News, Greta Van Susteren, Remember the Alamo, Texas, Texas Can Survive, Texas Land Grab, Tommy Henderson
Happy “Deficit Day,“ America! The fiscal precipice grows closer
Have you ever known someone *on line* but never actually met them, but you just KNOW that they are a friend and kindred spirit? That is how I feel about James Shott, I have followed his wonderful blog, Observations, for … Continue reading →

Conservatives Resort to LIES to Make a Point
Conservatives Resort to LIES to Make a Point Do you want to know what’s WRONG with America right now, other than the obvious? Many Americans are basically STUPID, and I don’t mean just the Obama crowd, I include many in … Continue reading →