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I'm a highly opinionated and very Conservative blogger. If you ask for my opinion, I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, so be very careful what you ask for, you might get it.
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Tag Archives: free medical care
Romney keeps relearning history’s gaffe lessons
Romney keeps relearning history’s gaffe lessons WASHINGTON (AP) - Who says Mitt Romney doesn’t worry much about the very poor? That he believes corporations are people, too? That his wife drives two Cadillacs? Romney himself, that’s who. When it comes … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st, Decision 2012
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, Decision 2012, Food Stamps, free medical care, Journalistic Integrity, Mitt Romney, Obama Supporters, Political Correctness, Romney Gaffes, social security checks, The 47%, The Black Community, welfare checks, Welfare Slugs