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TexasFred Archives
Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton
TexasFred shares thoughts on the impending election
TexasFred shares thoughts on the impending election Elections DO have consequences, are we ready to suffer those consequences should Trump not take the day on November 8th? My gun loving, 2nd Amendment supporting friends, take heed…. If Hillary Clinton manages … Continue reading
News media has abandoned honesty and integrity
I have always had some great blogging friends and James Shott at Observations is one of them. This is HIS story and I am using it with his permission. Enjoy. News media has abandoned honesty and integrity The news media … Continue reading
Posted in America 1st
Tagged Donald Trump, Election, Hillary Clinton, James Shott, Liberal Media, Media Fail, New media, Observations Blog, Truth, Voting
Politics in a Nutshell
Politics in a Nutshell A summation of POLITICS in the world today, and sadly, pretty far back into the past too. I honestly believe that the Founding Fathers would be in shock if they could see us today. The pundits … Continue reading
The Dirtiest Election in American History
The Dirtiest Election in American History