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Tag Archives: National Security
Reports: WH intruder gets far past front door
Reports: WH intruder gets far past front door WASHINGTON (AP) — The intruder who climbed a fence made it farther inside the White House than the Secret Service has publicly acknowledged, the Washington Post and New York Times newspapers reported … Continue reading →

The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama
The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama This morning on WMALs “Morning on the Mall” radio show with hosts Brian and Larry I was asked a simple question relating to the Taliban prisoner release and impeachment of the president. … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Allen West, Articles of Impeachment, Barack Hussein Obama, Bowe Bergdahl, Bowe Bergdahl - Deserter, Bowe Bergdahl -- Traitor, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Impeach Barack Obama, Mexican Gun Laws, National Defense Authorization Act, National Security, NDAA, Susan Rice, The Taliban
Obama on gay marriage: ‘Right thing to do’
Obama on gay marriage: ‘Right thing to do’ NEW YORK (AP) - President Barack Obama on Monday defended his view that gay couples should have the right to marry, saying that the country has never gone wrong when it “expanded … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged American Patriots, Barack Hussein Obama, Chicago Jesus, Conservative Bloggers, Fast and Furious, Gun Running, I have TWO Daddies, I have TWO Mommies, LEGAL Immigration, LGBT Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, National Security, Obama wears a GAY-LO, Ricky Martin, The Economy, The Socialization of America
‘Blood money’ frees CIA contractor in Pakistan
‘Blood money’ frees CIA contractor in Pakistan LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) - A CIA contractor who shot and killed two Pakistani men was freed from prison on Wednesday after the United States paid $2.34 million in “blood money” to the victims’ … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged A CIA Contractor, Barack Hussein Obama, National Security, Obama HATES America, Pakistan, Raymond Davis, The CIA, The Obama Disaster