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Tag Archives: The Day America Died
My Bad Attitude and Lack of Political Insight
My Bad Attitude and Lack of Political Insight It’s official; I don’t know anything. I thought for sure that given such a clear choice, Americans would vote for love of country over revenge. I was wrong. I thought, that just … Continue reading →

Posted in The Day America Died
Tagged America, Barack Obama, Benghazi, China, Editorial, Hope and Change, I Was Wrong, Iran, Israel, Mitt Romney, The American Dream, The Day America Died, The Economy
The Day the United States of America Died
The Day the United States of America Died On the night of November 6th, 2012 the United States of America began to shake and convulse in what can only be described as death throes. This was also the night that … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Barack Obama, Election 2012, God Bless Texas, The Day America Died, The Socialization of America