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Tag Archives: The U.S. Senate
Lawmakers Don’t Approve Of Obama… But They Kiss His Ass And Clap!
Lawmakers Don’t Approve Of Obama… But They Kiss His Ass And Clap! Many political leaders say they don’t agree with Obama and his policies. It’s difficult to believe anything they say as we watch them kiss his ass and clap. … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, The U.S. Congress, The U.S. Senate
Will New AG Support Civil Forfeiture Reform?
I am recovering from some surgery and don’t really feel like writing and putting the work into it that I normally do so I give you the work of my great friend, Mr. Alan Caruba from his site Warning Signs. … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Alan Caruba, Barack Hussein Obama, Bob Barr, Department of Justice, Loretta Lynch, The U.S. Congress, The U.S. Senate, Warning Signs
News that matters, and some that doesn’t
News that matters, and some that doesn’t Just a quick look around the ‘net at some stories that have piqued my interest and a feeble effort to let my readers know that I haven’t died. I have been under the … Continue reading →

And Congress wonders WHY they have such a low approval
And Congress wonders WHY they have such a low approval I have been blasting away at Barack Hussein Obama and his antics of late, but you know, Obama is not the only one that needs to be taken to task. … Continue reading →