Michele Bachmann plays up immigration, hits Warren Buffett

Michele Bachmann plays up immigration, hits Warren Buffett

GREENVILLE, S.C. — Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann on Tuesday called for a wall on the border with Mexico and suggested that billionaire Warren Buffett should write a big check to the government if he’s eager for higher taxes on the wealthy.

The Minnesota Republican began a three-day swing through this early GOP primary state fresh off winning a narrow straw poll victory last week in Iowa over Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.

Bachmann said lax enforcement of immigration laws was a threat to the nation’s security. She agreed with a town hall questioner at a Greenville stop that U.S. troops should be redeployed from South Korea to south Texas.

“How do you solve it? You build a barrier, a fence, a wall — whatever you want to call it. You build it,” Bachmann said. “As president of the United States, every mile, every yard, every foot, every inch will be covered on that southern border.”

The “problem is not our laws on immigration,” Bachmann said. “The problem has been in our unwillingness to enforce the laws that are on the books.” South Carolina legislators this year passed one of the nation’s toughest illegal immigration laws. It goes into effect in December.

Bachmann’s first stop was at a popular burger joint in nearby Spartanburg where she was surrounded by a crowd of about 300 people baking in a black top parking lot.

Bachmann criticized President Barack Obama’s call for the wealthy to pay higher taxes and Buffett’s support of the idea.

“We do believe, unlike Warren Buffett, that taxes are high enough already,” she said. “I have a suggestion: Mr. Buffett, write a big check today.”

In a state where candidates are rarely heckled, Bachmann got an earful. A man in a black suit called out repeatedly: “Are you anti-gay marriage.” During an interview Sunday, Bachmann was asked about her faith, same-sex marriage and whether she would appoint someone who was openly gay.

Bachmann noted the heckler and the interview questions. “I am not ashamed to say that I believe in God. We were founded on religious liberty and we are going to stand on religious liberty,” Bachmann said. “And we believe in marriage between one man and one woman.”

Bachmann was sharply critical of Obama’s fiscal policies and job policies in a state with 10.5 percent unemployment — the highest among the nation’s early primary states.

She called Obama “an anti-job president.”

Story Here:
ALIPAC - Michele Bachmann plays up immigration, hits Warren Buffett

OK, I like what I read in this piece from ALIPAC, Bachmann came out against ILLEGAL immigration and Obama, she is really speaking to the hottest of the HOT button issues. But she has now had her *57 states* moment…

Kinda morbid to wish Elvis HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the anniversary of his death. She might be brilliant, and she’s head and shoulders above Obama, but she bears watching closely!

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10 Responses to Michele Bachmann plays up immigration, hits Warren Buffett

  1. Robert Dallons says:

    She’s not the only one. I heard a news outlet also comment on the anniversary of Elvis’ “birthday”. They quickly corrected it though.

  2. Texasperated says:

    Well, I toasted her using my TCB August 16th pint glass anyway. Today is the 17th as I write this — Davy Crockett’s birthday. You may remember Davy. He was born out in far east Texas (Tennessee County) and helped defend the Alamo. Happy birthday, Davy and RIP to the king.

    Keep your powder dry

  3. justmemilo says:

    I didn’t bother to listen to Ms. Bachmann’s remark about Elvis’ “whatever” day. Is everyone insinuating that it is as important for a presidential candidate to know some long-dead Vegas act’s birthday as knowing the actual number of individual states in the United States? What a sad time in America’s history. I can foresee one day having the president chosen by three judges on television… with one of them being a rude Englishman. If you want to see the USA’s future, watch the movie Idiocracy. Its a little over the top, but I believe they were on to something when writing the movie.

    • TexasFred says:

      Actually, I agree with you on the significance of Elvis, his birthday or death day and how it plays out in this election cycle, but Bachmann brought it up, SHE did, not the press, not the left, she did it herself, and that makes it a topic of conversation, not so much because SHE brought it out, but because SHE got it wrong…

      When Obama made his *57 states* gaff I tore him a new ass over it, I am *fair and balanced*, I will do no less regarding Bachmann…

  4. justmemilo says:

    I see your point. I guess I’ve been a little edgy lately. Kinda quick on the draw, so to speak. Love the blog, TexasFred. Keep up the good work!

  5. Bluto says:

    I don’t know much about Bachman other than the fact that she makes the Loony Liberal Left foam at the mouth and their panties bunch.


    ….she must be AWESOME.

  6. Bluto says:

    A co-worker of mine is a loony left Obama-bot. I routinely tell him I’m gonna vote for Bachmann just to see him fly off into a tirade like a little girl. Damn, it’s so funny.

    For that alone I’m in love with Michele Bachmann.

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