StartLogic Web Hosting and todays outage

This is the message all domain owners on StartLogic web hosting got a little while ago:

UPDATE 8:30 PM EDT - Network issue affecting websites and e-mail has been resolved

We experienced a routing issue with one of our core switches today. Our Network Operations team worked to identify and remedy the issue as rapidly as possible, but given the size of our network it took longer than we would have liked for us to pinpoint the source of the issue, and correct it. We deeply regret any impact that this may have had on your website or e-mail, and will be undertaking an extensive review to determine ways to improve our network reliability in the future.

A couple of days ago StartLogic completed a system wide upgrade to a new control system for domain owners and sent out emails telling folks that their sites had just been completed, all the migration was complete and most went without a hitch, all URLs were working and pointing to their proper sites and all was well in ‘Happy Blogging Land’

About 15 minutes later, my site crashed, and was down for about 3 hours before Tech Support was able to determine that there was some sort of a data base error, but they couldn’t find out exactly what it was and it was going to be up to me to fix it, sorry, screw you very much and thank you for using StartLogic…

I was able to access my blog thru a back door I have built in and was actually able to find and fix the data base error myself, with absolutely NO tech support help from our ‘Award Winning 24/7 Tech Support Staff’ and what do you know, the site was up and running, until 1030hrs this AM, nothing would function, nothing would load, and when it did finally load it was popping all kinds of admin and server errors, so, silly me, I’m figuring what the hell, I’m a paying customer, I’ll call the hosting folks at StartLogic and see if it’s something on their end because I had totally unfettered access to the entire ‘net, everywhere except sites hosted by StartLogic…

So, I get this service tech support guy and explain to him what’s going on, errors, slow loading, pages not stable, all kinds of stuff, Mr. I Know What I am Talking About tells me he has run a diagnostic and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my site from their end, it MUST be on MY end, “Sir, have you cleared your cookies and cache?” and that was all I could get out of Mr. Nerdly…

About 15 minutes later my site, TexasFred and the sites of several folks that I know are on Start Logic were completely crashed too, American and Proud, Basti Says, LittleOleLady and The “O” Word had all disappeared from the ‘net, *poof*, just like that, so, I call my wonderfully helpful hosting company, StartLogic, and their Award Winning 24/7 Tech Support back and I get the tech guy sitting next to the last useless tech guy I talked to and he tells me, “SIR, we have run a full diagnostic on your sites and I am now running another but there is, uh, WTF?? Oh shit, man, David, WTF, we just crashed!! Uh, Sir, I’m sorry, can I put you on hold please??”

And for the next 8 hours we have all been crashed, I did tell the Tech Guy that I was not at all happy and would never recommend them as hosting to anyone else, and between American and Proud and myself we had sent them several new customers, and I reminded him that, oh, BTW, maybe the next time a customer tells you that something really is wrong with your system, maybe you’ll actually listen and NOT talk down to them like they’re a 10 year old window licker on the short bus…

I hate to talk bad about a site, and I usually won’t, not without good reason, I think this is very good reason, I cannot recommend StartLogic as a hosting service any longer, there have been entirely too many problems develop lately and their 1st response is always that it MUST be on your end, well, it wasn’t, it hasn’t been and perhaps an 8 hour outage today, one that an astute customer tried to tell them was developing, will give them pause before they blow off paying customers that have been sending them new customers with their devil may care attitude…

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5 Responses to StartLogic Web Hosting and todays outage

  1. Cary says:

    You get e-mail notification of things?

    I wonder why I’m left out of the loop?

  2. TexasFred says:

    I’m special…  :D

  3. Cary says:

    Yes, yes you are…  ;)

  4. Pingback: Monday Update

  5. Pingback: StartLogic Web Hosting SUCKS!

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