House rejects probe into Pelosi CIA claims
WASHINGTON – House Democrats on Thursday defeated a Republican push to investigate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s assertion that the CIA misled her in 2002 about whether waterboarding had been used against terrorism suspects.
Republicans Ron Paul of Texas and Walter Jones of North Carolina joined Democrats in voting 252-172 to block the measure, which would have created a bipartisan congressional panel. Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, sponsored the resolution.
“This is partisan politics and an attempt by the Republicans to distract from the real issue of creating jobs and making progress on health care, energy and education,” said Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami.
Pelosi was not present at the time of the vote. Republicans called for it while she was giving a commencement speech at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Full Story Here:
House rejects probe into Pelosi CIA claims
This commentary is not so much about Nancy Pelosi as one might expect it to be. We all pretty much knew that complaining about Nancy Pelosi was a waste of time, I told several people on Facebook that all of their *Impeach Pelosi* efforts were a waste of time. It’s NOT going to happen as long as the Democrats are in control of BOTH houses and the Oval Office.
So, let’s forget about the liar Pelosi for a bit and concentrate on the folks that took her side on this issue. Republican Ron Paul of Texas joined Democrats in voting 252-172 to block the measure, which would have created a bipartisan congressional panel.
They say, ‘you’re known by the company you keep’, if that’s the case, a picture is worth a thousand words. Below I give you, irrefutable proof, Dr. Moonbat and one Don Black, Mr. Stormfront himself. Black is accompanied by his son Derek.
Don Black (born July 28, 1953) is an American white nationalist neo-Nazi. He is the founder and current webmaster of the “Stormfront” forum and former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). He was convicted in 1981 for attempted armed overthrow of the Dominican government in violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act. More on Mr. Black can be found here: Don Black (white nationalist)
Rumors have floated for a long time regarding Paul and some racist ties and that he had accepted money from racist groups. The Ron Paul Campaign and its Neo-Nazi Supporters, now I don’t know if any of that is true, Paul’s loyal followers, the Paulinistas, have vehemently denied any wrongdoing. Some folks say otherwise.
I covered it too, back during the campaign Ron Paul and Don Black. You decide., and all I got was castigated by the Paulinistas. I was told that I was wrong, I was told that the picture of Dr. Moonbat and Don Black wasn’t real, it was a photoshop, I was told that Dr. Moonbat didn’t know who Don Black was, I was accused of being an anti-Paul *plant* that was trying to do harm to Dr. Moonbats race for the White House, that part was true, I was trying to stop the disgusting piece of garbage from getting elected POTUS, I heard all sorts of BS reasons and lame-assed reasons made in an attempt to take any and all responsibility away from Dr. Moonbat.
What I do know, for a fact, is this, Dr. Ron Paul helped to defeat a Republican push to investigate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s assertion that the CIA misled her. In other words, he took Pelosi’s side in this fight.
Ron Paul may have a good idea on occasion, I can’t deny that, even a blind hog finds an acorn on occasion, but Dr. Moonbat is just another version of the RINO, a Republican In Name Only, and even that title is giving him the benefit of the doubt I believe! We all KNOW that Nancy Pelosi is a LIAR, an uber-libber, and an all around disgusting person, her behavior is not at all out of line for a person of her ilk. I wonder what the Paulinistas will have to say about Dr. Moonbat and his defense OF Nancy Pelosi?
I just sent this link to some of the folks around here that were ardent Ron Paul supporters …I’m awaiting their responses…talk to ya later
Let the battle begin!!
I wrote about the same thing Fred, my quote and post was this “Wonder why many of us conservatives think Ron Paul is a freaking moron most of the time? Here’s part of the reason why…..” then the AP article followed it. He’s too inexplicable most of the time and his brand of Alex Jones Stormfront friendly conservatism is just a little too much for me.
“This is partisan politics and an attempt by the Republicans to distract from the real issue of creating jobs and making progress on health care, energy and education,” said Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami.
I’m wondering where in the Constitution of the United States is the above the job of Congress? Or, for that matter, the President? That CIA briefing is in line with Protecting and Defending that creating jobs and making progress on health care ever will be.
The Dems are having to shovel fast to keep shit out of the barn. You can’t be this good at CYA without years of practise.
Bill Clinton
Joe Biden
Harry Reid
Chris Dodds
Barney Franks
Nancy Pelosi
John Kerry
If I keep going I would have the bulk of congress on the list.
As for Paul, he has always been crazy. Crazy people can come up with good ideas too. The really sad part is there was enough crazy people to elect him into office in the first place.
So that son of a bitch gives encouragement to the Truthers and and now does this? It is too bad he doesn’t stick to fiscal matters!
I was never, repeat, NEVER a supporter of Ron Paul once I heard he associated with so-called 9/11 Truthers. He can go straight to Hell, with that and this.
Well I tell you this and I can’t F-N believe I’m saying it….We would be better off if we had RP in the WH… I believe he’s a nutbag,I don’t like his foreign policy, or his stance on a few other areas but he’d have beat what we have now hands down….AND THAT’ IS THE PROBLEM we face… Lesser of two evils is the only thing we can look forward too…Time for a real conservative to step up and take the vacant seat.
Time for a real conservative to step up and take the vacant seat.
I am working as a bit of a community organizer, does that count?? I am available too, most days after 10AM and I work late too!!
I WISH all the Moonbats that hijacked the Nevada State Convention that thought Paul was the “other Messiah” could see this picture (hahahahaha)… Just about ALL of them up there in Washington are nuts these days !
They’ll take their picture with whoever has the hand or the checkbook out
We got to start all over and rid the bunch of them
My dad taught me never trust a politician and never turn your back on one. They’ll smile while taking your last dime and stab ya in the back as you walk away.
It doesn’t matter if they have a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ after their name.
Time for us to make real changes in DC. Let our nation rise and boot the bastards out….every last one of them.