Death penalty opponents rally at Capitol
October 25th, 2009 . by TexasFredDeath penalty opponents rally at Capitol
AUSTIN — Death penalty opponents, convinced an innocent man was executed in 2004, staged a rally Saturday at the Texas Capitol to call for a moratorium on capital punishment and to highlight the controversial case of Cameron Todd Willingham.
Willingham was convicted of capital murder for the 1991 deaths of his three children in a fire at their Corsicana home. Forensic scientists have called into question arson evidence used to convict Willingham, who maintained his innocence until his death by lethal injection.
Dozens of protesters marched from the Capitol down Congress Avenue, waving placards and chanting “Hey hey, ho ho, the death penalty has got to go.�?
Organizers of the rally said they want to bring attention to the Willingham case and Gov. Rick Perry’s shakeup of the commission that was investigating the science used to convict him.
“We urge the people and the governor to take a look at this case and examine the new evidence,ďż˝? said Scott Cobb, president of the Texas Moratorium Network. “There is no scientific evidence of arson in this case, and if there was no arson, there was no crime … We want Texas to admit that it’s made a tragic mistake here.ďż˝?
Full Story Here:
Marchers in Austin urge Texas to halt executions
I am a staunch supporter of the death penalty. What I don’t agree with is the merciful way that capital punishment is administered. I am a believer in doing unto criminals as they have done to their victims.
I believe that if some cretin commits murder(s) and is convicted of that crime, and his one and only appeal is denied, that cretin needs to be executed in the exact same manner that he/she used to kill their victim(s).
In this story, the primary reason for the protest in the Texas Capitol, was a particularly disgusting animal named Cameron Todd Willingham. He was convicted of setting the fire that killed his children. Like crime, like execution. Take him to some old, abandoned building, tie him to a chair, douse the place with gasoline and light it up. End of his problems in this world.
There is only one part of the Bill of Rights that I disagree with, the 8th Amendment, and it’s only a very small part OF the 8th, bail and fines, that’s great, but the cruel and unusual part gives me great pause:
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
I somehow don’t think the Framers had any idea regarding the depths of depravity that some monsters could sink to.
If someone unwittingly becomes a victim, that victim has NO option other than the cruel and unusual mood of their murderer. Does it not make sense to dispatch said murderer in the same fashion that he/she used?
One of the speakers at the event, Willingham friend Elizabeth Gilbert, said she was sickened by Perry’s comments. Gilbert, a Houston teacher, befriended Willingham when he was behind bars and became his advocate, helping to spearhead a re-examination of his case.
“They are still continuing to throw mud at Todd to keep people’s attention away from the fact that there wasn’t an arson case,�? she said.
You know, right or wrong, and in this particular case, I believe they got it right, but what if they didn’t? What if they DID get it wrong? It’s too late to bring the guy back and place him on trial again. He is out of here! Right about now would be a good time for these bleeding hearts to get a real cause, like maybe making sure that Texas has all the money it needs to conduct thorough investigations and to process the DNA evidence correctly, the 1st time around!
Mistakes likely have happened in the past, that’s the nature of the beast. But if I was looking for a cause, I would look towards ensuring that JUSTICE was served correctly, swift but sure.
Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle, noting that Willingham’s conviction was upheld despite numerous appeals, said the governor believed he was guilty.
“Like most Texans, Gov. Perry supports the death penalty for those who commit the most heinous crimes,�? she added.
Maybe all those appeals got it wrong too. Time after time. Incompetent Judges, crooked District Attorney’s, you know, a totally corrupt Texas justice system. That has to be it. There’s no way that Saint Todd beat his wife and burned his children to death. Texas, and our justice system must have had it IN for poor old Todd.
And there are always other perspectives to be enjoyed, I present these words of wit and wisdom from fellow Texan, Mr. Ron White.
I’m from Texas. In Texas we have the death penalty, and we USE IT!
That’s right… If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we kill you back. That’s our policy.
They’re trying to push a bill right now in the Texas legislature that’ll speed up the process of execution in heinous crimes where there are more than three credible eye witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did, you don’t sit on death row for fifteen years, you go straight to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty, my state is putting in an express lane. ~Ron White~
And as one of my old cop show favorites, Tony Baretta used to say, “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time”.
Here in Texas, TIME is NOT the issue you need to be concerned with…

“Hey hey, ho ho, the death penalty has got to go.�?
Damn. I heard that same chant in the 1960s — about Vietnam, of course.
The left lacks any form of originality, that’s for sure. Brain damage, I think.
BTW, I loved that TV show Baretta. Wish that I could watch it again — the reruns, that is.
Oh, they had an inkling. In the days of John Adams tarring and feathering was still in vogue in America.
The problem with that story is this: WHAT evidence? What SCIENTIFIC evidence is involved? What pieces or indicators of the arson? The article is quite NON-specific. ANYone can make allegations of lack of evidence.
BZ, there was evidence aplenty, this highly biased story from the Houston Chronicle just doesn’t present it… And the anti moonbats ignore what is there in every other story…
With the anti death penalty people, it’s not about guilt or innocence, it’s all about NO death penalty..
I’ve no doubt that over the years some innocents were put to death—no system is ever perfect, but to do away with the death penalty, that’s like throwing the baby out with the bath water. I’m not kept up with this individual case, so can’t comment on the evidence.
In this country we have gone from the rope, to the chair, to the gas chamber and now to lethal injection from death penalty to no death penalty and back again—what is next. There is no way to humanely put to death someone and in the case of some as you say Fred it should be done in the same vicious manner that they dispatched their victim. Nothing more and certainly nothing less.
The time between crime and trial is appalling and the time between sentence and execution is ridiculous. Things have gotten totally out-of-hand in the judicial system. The system of our founders is dead and gone. Lawyers and activist judges have destroyed our once great system. Lawyers have a way of complicating what is often obvious and clear and we’ve allowed them to do this. The judge on the bench has a responsibility to be fair, but not to let the waters be muddied by legal double talk, common sense must be re-introduced into the court room. A fair and short trial, and a short walk to the tall oak with a short rope waiting.
I believe in the biblical eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. In the way a murderer takes a life, their life should be taken that way too.
One thing about the death penalty that gives the families and friends of the victims closure, is the idea of knowing that the horror and cruelty that their loved one was subjected to will NEVER be meted out to another innocent via the same scumbag! I’m with you, the best way to right a perceived wrong in our justice system is to improve on the system, training and methods by which cases are made. I believe, given human nature, that many a person keeps on the side of the line you do not cross because of their desire to continue living. And families have little else left but the closure they get when the scumbag goes to HIS death.
Fred, I’m one of those that doesn’t believe in the Death Penalty. My reasoning is this, except in the case of self defense, or the defense of loved ones or country in times of war, I think that taking of life should be the purview of Almighty God, and Almighty God alone. Likewise, I don’t believe in abortion because that too is taking life.
I’ve heard all the arguments about the horrendous acts of some very depraved individuals, but killing them doesn’t bring back the victim. Hard labor for life with no parole and when I say hard labor, I mean swinging a 20 pound sledge making sand out of big boulders. No amenities like AC or decent food, no TV, newspapers etc. Wakeup, swing the sledge, time off for lunch and supper and back to work. 8 hrs sleep then repeat.
Killing them in the same way they killed their victims? How would that apply to Osama? Put him in a tall building or destroy another Jet? That kind of execution puts us on the same level with them. Not a place I’m willing to go. God gave us life, these creepoids have wasted theirs, let us put it to some use as we can always use more gravel.
While I respect that our laws currently allow for the death penalty, and I believe in law, I’d change that law in a heartbeat. As one of your commenters noted, there is often a decade or more between conviction and execution. Where is the punishment in that? Convict, then labor for life, no breaks, no amenities, no happiness to speak of.
My belief grows out of my religious convictions, not some panty-waist liberal ideology.
Well, that’s good GM, and obviously why you are SO superior to the rest of us rabble…
In the event anyone reading has doubts, this is from the Texas Politics Blog (from the judge who tried the case):
Always omitted from any examination of the actual trial are the following facts:
1. The event which caused the three childrens’ deaths was the third attempt by Todd Willingham to kill his children established by the evidence. He had attempted to abort both pregnancies by vicious attacks on his wife in which he beat and kicked his wife with the specific intent to trigger miscarriages;
2. The “well-established burns” suffered by Willingham were so superficial as to suggest that the same were self-inflicted in an attempt to divert suspicion from himself;
3. Blood-gas analysis at Navarro Regional Hospital shortly after the homicide revealed that Willingham had not inhaled any smoke, contrary to his statement which detailed “rescue attempts;”
4. Consistent with typical Navarro County death penalty practice, Willingham was offered the opportunity to eliminate himself as a suspect by polygraph examination. Such opportunity was rejected in the most vulgar and insulting manner;
5. Willingham was a serial wife abuser, both physically and emotionally. His violent nature was further established by evidence of his vicious attacks on animals which is common to violent sociopaths;
6. Witness statements established that Willingham was overheard whispering to his deceased older daughter at the funeral home, “You’re not the one who was supposed to die.” (The origin of the fire occured in the infant twins bedroom) and;
7. Any escape or rescue route from the burning house was blocked by a refrigerator which had been pushed against the back door, requring any person attempting escape to run through the conflagration at the front of the house.
Co-counsel Alan Bristol and I offered Willingham the opportunity to enter a plea of guilty in return for a sentence of life imprisonment. Such offer was rejected in an obscene and potentially violent confrontation with his defense counsel.
The Willingham case was charged as a multiple child murder, and not an arson-murder to achieve capital status. I am convinced that in the absence of any arson testimony, the outcome of the trial would have been unchanged, a fact that did not escape the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. While anti-death penalty advocates can muster some remarkably good arguments, Todd Willingham should not be anyone’s poster child.
Submitted by John H. Jackson, Sr. Judge, 13th Judicial District. Jackson was one of the prosecutors for Navarro County in the Cameron Todd Willingham case.
What sayath the Bible concerning governments executing criminals and evildoers?
Romans 1: 1-4 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid ; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
The requirement of God for capital punishment can be found in both the old and new testament. As in the above writings of the Apostle Paul, one of the main purposes of governments was to execute those who do evil.
Bob, I know that, YOU know that, most CONSERVATIVES know that, a few claim some religious excuse and then try to convince folks of their superior intellect, Christian and political beliefs…
Oh well, you want to find out a persons REAL inner self? Post a death penalty story and read the comments and reactions…
HAM makes some excellent points.
I perfer punishment meted out like Judge Roy Bean..Law West of the Pecos………..
Give’em a fair trial, then hang’em…..
nuff said.
Gads… I’m not going to go into my experience on a jury in a capital case, Fred and others have heard it before.
Screw the protesters. That guy was sorely in need of killing. Nuff said.
And oh, by the way, should any state need someone well trained in starting lines on perps. I’m available, and, I even know how to push drugs through them!
Texas Fred: “Well, that’s good GM, and obviously why you are SO superior to the rest of us rabble…”
Hey Fred, I didn’t say a damn thing about being superior to anyone, I merely stated my beliefs without once denigrating yours. You are the one that sent me the email with the link to your article so take that superior condescending attitude of your and stick it where it will do the most for you!
GM God should have the final say on these freaks of nature so we should quickly dispatch them to meet their ultimate fate. Its not in the least bit surprising that the death penalty is most strongly supported in those states with the highest church attendance—primarily in the south. But then we backward, redneck, cracker, hillbilly, knuckle-draggers are so dumb about things that we never get anything right and need to look to our open, fair and nontraditional brothers on the progressive side to set us on the left path.
GM, you always come off with some sarcastic bullshit that stinks to high heaven of arrogance, you always have… Today was just a bit more moral superiority than I could stand…
Worry not my psychologically superior friend, you’re not on ANY mailing list now, you can visit as you wish, but leave the arrogance at the door, OK?
The left needs a rallying cry to push their agenda on us. This will die down as soon as CNN tires of the story.
I am a great believer in using the wood chipper.
Yep, fertilize our National Forests at the same time.
At least convert these worthless criminals into something good for our Earth.