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Tag Archives: A Nuclear Iran
What has happened to the USA? Obama and Company, That’s What!
What has happened to the USA? Obama and Company, That’s What! Panetta: Iran Deal Is Bad. Pass It and Prepare for War Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta admits that the Iran deal is bad, but says it provides an … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged A Nuclear Iran, Ali Khamenei, Barack Hussein Obama, Iran, John Kerry, KT McFarland, Leon Panetta, Muslim Refugees, News and Opinion, War on the Horizon, We are The Infidel
Iraq city falls fully into hands of al-Qaida group
Iraq city falls fully into hands of al-Qaida group BAGHDAD (AP) - The city center of Iraq’s Fallujah has fallen completely into the hands of fighters from the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and Levant, police said Saturday, yet another … Continue reading →

Obama Makes a Deal with the Devil
The big story of the day is how the world decided to trust Iran and throw Israel under the bus. Secret US-Iran talks set stage for nuke deal WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States and Iran secretly engaged in a … Continue reading →

Posted in Israel
Tagged A Nuclear Iran, Barack Hussein Obama, Hassan Rouhani, I Stand with Israel, Iran, Israel Under the Bus
Obama: Diplomacy can stop Iran from getting bomb
Obama: Diplomacy can stop Iran from getting bomb WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama declared Tuesday that diplomacy can still resolve the crisis over Iran’s possible pursuit of nuclear weapons, and he accused his Republican critics of “beating the drums … Continue reading →