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Tag Archives: John Kerry
High School Student’s Clock Aimed at Irving Mayor Van Duyne
High School Student’s Clock Aimed at Irving Mayor Van Duyne The Muslim attempt to gain control of this nation is seriously on the rise and is alive and well in Texas. Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne has courage my friends, … Continue reading →

What has happened to the USA? Obama and Company, That’s What!
What has happened to the USA? Obama and Company, That’s What! Panetta: Iran Deal Is Bad. Pass It and Prepare for War Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta admits that the Iran deal is bad, but says it provides an … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged A Nuclear Iran, Ali Khamenei, Barack Hussein Obama, Iran, John Kerry, KT McFarland, Leon Panetta, Muslim Refugees, News and Opinion, War on the Horizon, We are The Infidel
The Continuing Saga of Bowe Bergdahl — Traitor
The Continuing Saga of Bowe Bergdahl — Traitor I know, yesterday I said I was thinking that unless something truly significant breaks concerning Bowe Bergdahl that I had made my last post about him for a while, and that all … Continue reading →

Is America Wounded beyond Repair?
Is America Wounded beyond Repair? Have you ever sat back, looked at the world around you and just thought, DAMN, I wish there was some *good news* in the news today? I know I have, on numerous occasions, and it’s all … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged A House Divided, Abraham Lincoln, ACA Website not Tested, Barack Hussein Obama, Benghazi, Edward Snowden, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Immigration, Jay Carney, John Kerry, National Security Agency, New Immigration Law, NSA Spying, NSA Spying Angers Europe, ObamaCare, The ACA - Built-in Failures, The Affordable Care Act, The Economy, The GOP