Texas panel reviews ruling that led to execution
September 26th, 2009 . by TexasFredTexas panel reviews ruling that led to execution
CORSICANA, Texas (AP) - More than five years after his final act from the Texas death chamber gurney was a profanity-filled tirade, the murder case of executed inmate Cameron Todd Willingham refuses to die.
Willingham was executed in February 2004 - proclaiming his innocence and hoping aloud that his wife would “rot in hell” - for the deaths of his three young daughters in a fire at their Corsicana home on Dec. 23, 1991.
An arson finding by investigators was key to his conviction in the circumstantial case.
The Innocence Project, a nonprofit legal organization that investigates possible wrongful convictions, questioned Willingham’s guilt. Now the Texas Forensic Science Commission will review a report Friday from an expert it hired who concluded the original arson determination was faulty.
The prosecutor in the case still believes Willingham is guilty, but acknowledges it would have been hard to win a death sentence without the arson finding.
Full Story Here:
Texas panel reviews ruling that led to execution
Yesterday, a whiny little libber twat calling himself Ian, tried to engage me in a debate on this story, via email, based solely on the information found posted in the Dallas Morning News. I told Ian, in a one line email response to his tirade against Texas Governor Rick Perry, “Well, everyone has their own opinion”, and I left it at that.
Ian sent back another email calling me a *chicken shit* for not engaging him, and entertaining him while his Mommie was at the truck stop turning tricks.
OK Ian, I have taken time and thought about it, and here’s all I have to say regarding this matter, and by the way, your emails are still blocked, I KNOW that you’re still reading the blog and just to make it fair, I don’t want you to say you weren’t told before hand, you will NEVER have a comment show on this blog. Yes, you really ARE that irrelevant.
The 1st this I have to say is, this is NOT a case that I am, or ever was personally involved in, nor is it one I am particularly interested by. The guy is dead, he was executed, and that, as they say, is that.
Yes, Gov. Perry is guilty of not stopping the execution. He was NOT privy to this latest information at the time of the execution. Our Governor is NOT in the habit of over-ruling the Texas legal system, that is NOT his job, unless there is indisputable evidence to mandate his intercession. In this particular case, at the time of the execution, there was NOT!
He uses the CURRENT information he has at hand, then he makes a decision. That doesn’t make Perry wrong OR right, it makes him the man that is faced with a decision based on the findings of a court and the verdict of a jury.
John Jackson, the prosecutor in Navarro County, about 50 miles south of Dallas, says the original fire investigation was “undeniably flawed,” based on subsequent reviews, but remains confident Willingham was guilty of killing Amber, 2, and 1-year-old twins Karmon and Kameron.
“What people missed is that even though the arson report may be flawed, it certainly doesn’t mean it arrived at a faulty conclusion,” Jackson said.
Now Ian, I want you to pay very close attention here, I know it’s tough on you, with the diminished capacity you obviously have, but here’s the REAL deal Scooter; ‘the original fire investigation was “undeniably flawed,” based on subsequent reviews’, do you get it now dimwit? Subsequent reviews.