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Tag Archives: Global War on Terror
Obama extends US military mission in Afghanistan into 2017
Obama extends US military mission in Afghanistan into 2017 WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama on Thursday abandoned his pledge to end America’s longest war, announcing plans to keep at least 5,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan when he leaves office … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged 9-11 Attacks, Afghanistan, America 1st, Barack Hussein Obama, Benghazi, George W. Bush, Global War on Terror, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, Hospital Bombed, Iraq, Osama bin Laden, Overseas Contingency Operation, Pakistan, Saddam Hussein, The IRS Scandal, The U.S. Congress, Vietnam, White House Incompetence
Iraqi Ground Offensive to Retake Mosul Could Be Launched as Early as April
Iraqi Ground Offensive to Retake Mosul Could Be Launched as Early as April U.S. military officials believe that the Iraqi offensive to retake Mosul from the militant group ISIS could come as early as April and involve between 20,000 to … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, Global War on Terror, Incompetent Military Leadership, ISIS, War in Iraq, Warfighting 101
Mattis: Withdrawal plan gives enemy hope, sends wrong message to allies
Mattis: Withdrawal plan gives enemy hope, sends wrong message to allies WASHINGTON — Taxpayers and troops will receive something of a peace dividend under White House plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2016. The new strategy … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Afghanistan, al-Qaida, Barack Hussein Obama, Gen. James Mattis, George W. Bush, Global War on Terror, Gordon Adams, Hamid Karzai, Iraq, Military Support, Osama bin Laden Dead, Overseas Contingency Operation, Rules of Engagement, Saddam Hussein, Sept. 11th, The War in Afghanistan, U.S. Central Command
The Global War on Terror – An Unwinnable Battle
The Global War on Terror – An Unwinnable Battle I am certain that most of the free world knows that ISIS burned to death a captive Jordanian pilot, filmed the burning and now has it posted on social media all … Continue reading →