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Tag Archives: Syrian Rebels
Obama seeks $500M to train, equip Syrian rebels
Obama seeks $500M to train, equip Syrian rebels WASHINGTON (AP) — With the conflicts in Syria and Iraq becoming increasingly intertwined against the same Sunni extremist group, President Barack Obama moved on Thursday to ratchet up U.S. efforts to strengthen … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged A History Lesson, al-Qaida, Arm Syrian Rebels, Barack Hussein Obama, Charlie Wilson's War, Syria, Syrian Rebels, The Mujahideen
Obama trying to sway war-weary public on Syria
Obama trying to sway war-weary public on Syria WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama is hitting the airwaves to try to convince Americans that limited strikes against Syria are needed for the United States’ long-term safety, while Secretary of State … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged 9-11-01, al Qaeda, Barack Hussein Obama, Bashir al-Assad, Chemical Attacks not Proven, Civil War in Syria, John Kerry, No Proof in Syria, Syria, Syrian Chemical Attack a Fraud, Syrian Rebels, The Denver Post, The Huffington Post, The Muslim Brotherhood, The Taliban
If Barack Hussein Obama was an *Odds Maker*
If Barack Hussein Obama was an *Odds Maker* There’s a few things that I want to talk about today and it all has to do with Amnesty, Egypt, Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Lebanese Hezbollah, Nelson Mandela, the … Continue reading →

Worse Than Watergate!
This is a post made by my good friend J.D. Longstreet and his original post can be read here: Worse Than Watergate!. Worse Than Watergate! A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet ****************** Four Americans are dead and the American people … Continue reading →