Obama: The 1st Week
January 26th, 2009 . by TexasFredOK, lets just take a look at these 3 headlines and examine the Obamanation and try to make some sense of his actions.
US envoy predicts ‘direct diplomacy’ with Iran
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - President Barack Obama’s administration will engage in “direct diplomacy” with Iran, the newly installed U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Monday.Full Story Here:
US envoy predicts ‘direct diplomacy’ with Iran
GM to lay off 2,000 workers, cut production
DETROIT (AP) - General Motors Corp. said Monday it will cut 2,000 jobs at plants in Michigan and Ohio, and it will halt production for several weeks at nine U.S. plants over the next six months due to slow sales.Full Story Here:
GM to lay off 2,000 workers, cut production
Obama targets greenhouse gases, fuel efficiencyWASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama took aim Monday at the lofty but long elusive goal of making the nation more energy independent, ordering reviews that could lead to tougher auto emission standards in states and higher pressure on automakers to produce more fuel-efficient cars.
Full Story Here:
Obama targets greenhouse gases, fuel efficiency
Obama is going to engage in talks with Iran? Or, more accurately, he’s going to have an ambassador talk to Iran? That seems to be his plan for the rest of the *war on terror* too, Obama wants to talk em to death. I am of the opinion that this BS isn’t going to work, the terrorists, and Iran IS a sponsor of terrorism, don’t want talk, they want DEATH, our death.
Iran is responsible for much of the weaponry that went into killing our troops during the heavy action in Iraq. I don’t suppose that matters to someone like Obama, he doesn’t have any use for our troops, other than as a tool to enforce HIS orders, when those orders come down. And they will!
The Dems, as a whole, see the solution to the recession as this, dump MORE taxpayer dollars on it. If you throw money at it, it’s all going to be OK as long as we throw money in that general direction. The 1st stimulus didn’t do it, another stimulus isn’t going to do it, and all the Wall Street bailouts and the rescue of the auto makers is going to do is allow them the belief that all they need to do is ask. Ask, and insinuate that you’re going to go out of business if the taxpayers don’t pony up again. And again. And again. Ad infinitum!
Then we get to the *greenhouse gas* thing from *The One*. Obama drank the Algore koolaid, that is a requirement for ALL Dem/Libbers I guess. Nearly ALL Conservatives believe that global warming is a hoax and the recent BS spewed by *The Goreacle* is just that, BS. The only thing I don’t understand is this, why wasn’t *The Goreacle* named as a member of the Obamanation cabinet? Dare *The One* shun *The Goreacle*? Naming Algore to his cabinet would be a logical progression if you think about it. Obama is running more than a few Clinton retreads.
He wants to *talk* to those that have either directly or indirectly brought about the deaths of over 4,200 U.S. troops. He wants to continue the bailouts of the automakers, and God only knows who else. He perpetuates the global warming myth. He orders Guantanamo closed and he nominates a disgusting tax cheat as head of Treasury, a nomination that has passed by the way. And just think, that’s all within the 1st WEEK!! Next week should be a real adventure!