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Justice Dept. Asked to Probe Tape Destruction

December 7th, 2007 . by TexasFred

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate’s No. 2 Democrat on Friday asked the Justice Department to investigate whether the CIA obstructed justice by destroying videotapes that documented the harsh 2002 interrogations of two alleged terrorists.

A day after CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden told agency employees the tapes were destroyed in 2005, members of Congress, human rights groups and lawyers for accused terrorists said the tapes may have been key evidence that the U.S. government had illegally authorized torture.

White House press secretary Dana Perino said Friday that President Bush did not have any recollection about the tapes or about their destruction.

“I spoke to the president this morning about this. He has no recollection of being made aware of the tapes or their destruction before yesterday” when he was briefed by Hayden, she said.

Full Story Here:
Justice Asked to Probe Tape Destruction

What did I say?? What did I tell you guys in THIS commentary??

“I spoke to the president this morning about this. He has no recollection of being made aware of the tapes or their destruction before yesterday” when he was briefed by Hayden, she said.

It’s already started, and from a much higher level than I expected, look, I have NO qualms with the alphabet agencies using whatever tactics they feel are needed to extract information from enemy agents, or other foreign nationals deemed a threat to this nation, but by God, have the balls to stand up and say, ‘Yeah, we did it, we’re protecting America, you got a problem with that?‘…

And look at WHO is doing the crying, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, what did I say?? The Dems WILL be all over this, last night I posted the story on the destruction of the tapes and I knew right then, Dem bait, and it didn’t take long for it to happen…

In a letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois asked for a probe of “whether CIA officials who destroyed these videotapes and withheld information about their existence from official proceedings violated the law.”

Dem leadership at it’s very best, doing what Dems in office do best, screwing up the protection of America and working hard to emasculate our Intelligence services, but wait, the Queen of Emasculation has spoken too…

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton, D- N.Y., also called for a full investigation.

“We’ve got to really clean house here and get to the bottom of what’s been going on,” she said Friday.

Look BITCH, the last time you cleaned house you made your gutless husband dismantle the U.S. military and our intelligence capabilities to the point that 9-11 was an inevitability, you and your ‘horn dog’ cut the balls right out from under this nation and you’ll do it again if the American people are stupid enough to EVER elect you to the office of President…

George Bush has his faults, he is a buffoon, he hasn’t put the Intel capabilities of this nation back together like it needs to be done, not fully, but at least he hasn’t cut the military and destroyed our intelligence gathering capabilities…

Hillary and Billy Bob did, and SHE will do it again, and it’s quite likely that ANY Dem that makes it to the White House will as well, these people hate America and will work even harder than our Globalist in Chief at giving Her away…

Americans on the Conservative and Republican side of this battle had better wake up, the very existence of our nation is in danger and we MUST have leadership that won’t work against America…

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10 Responses to “Justice Dept. Asked to Probe Tape Destruction”

  1. comment number 1 by: Jenn

    “….have the balls to stand up and say, ‘Yeah, we did it, we’re protecting America, you got a problem with that?’…”

    Yeah sure, that will happen.

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Well Jenn, it would be nice if they did, but you’re right, NONE of the PC wussies we have in office ever will say it… Nutless, to the last one…

  3. comment number 3 by: BobF

    Of course the president didn’t have any recollection of the tapes as he was probably never told. The man can’t be told everything that’s happening in the world and actually, you don’t want to tell him everything you’re doing.

    I supervised 10 maintenance shops in the military and I can guarantee you that the shop chiefs didn’t tell me everything and I didn’t tell the Maintenance Supervisor everything that went on in my branch. We definitely didn’t tell the Senior Maintenance Officer and Commander everything that was going on in the enlisted world either. You only tell your superiors what YOU want them to know.

    A stupid think like the CIA taping these interrogations for their own reasons is so meting that would never get reported up the chain unless it was necessary. I bet Gen Hayden didn’t know about it till recently.

    One of the best ways to protect America is to make Congress mushrooms; keep them in the dark and feed them sh_t.

  4. comment number 4 by: TexasFred

    Fully agree Bob, feed em BS… And let the real leaders lead the nation…

    If we could ever rid this nation of politicians and replace them with patriots, we’d be a nation of greatness once again, but the pandering wussies we have in office have NO guts to stand and do a damn thing…

  5. comment number 5 by: Longstreet

    It is my understanding that Congress was made aware of the distruction of those tapes four years ago. Not that THAT matters to the dems. The Hippie Horde is going after this as if it were the dope they smoked and snorted on those lib college campii in the 60’s.

    You know, the dems would be funny it they weren’t so damned dangerous. They remind me of this animal we have here in the American Southeast. We call it the “Humgator”. It has the brain of a humming bird and the bite of an alligator. Funny but dangerous!

    Best of luck to freedom!


  6. comment number 6 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    There are so many things I want to write in regards this post. This is the 3rd time I’ve rewritten my comment. I went so many places, my brain exploded. Why I’m even writing that I can’t sum up my comment leaves me vapid.


  7. comment number 7 by: BobF

    Hmmm, maybe Hillary will finally tell us how the FBI files got into the White House.

  8. comment number 8 by: Robocop

    If the Democratic Congress placed as much energy into winning this war, as supposed to sticking up for the bad guys, we would have already won.

  9. comment number 9 by: Bluebonnet Sue

    You said it for me Fred ! Especially the part after “but” …

    “If we could ever rid this nation of politicians and replace them with patriots, we’d be a nation of greatness once again, but the pandering wussies we have in office have NO guts to stand and do a damn thing… “

  10. comment number 10 by: wildbill208

    Wonder how many files slick willy destroyed when he was in office?