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Democrats consider Fla., Mich. delegate plans

May 31st, 2008 . by TexasFred

WASHINGTON (AP) - Supporters for Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton staked out competing positions Saturday as Democrats searched for a compromise to seat disputed convention delegations from Florida and Michigan and clear the way for a smooth end to the marathon struggle for the presidential nomination.

In the opening hours of a daylong meeting of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, Clinton’s designated spokeswoman urged the panel to grant a full vote for each of Florida’s 211 disputed delegates.

“In life you don’t get everything you want. I want it all,” Florida state Sen. Arthenia Joyner said with a smile.

But moments later, Obama’s campaign called for half-votes for each of the 211. Rep. Robert Wexler of Florida said that marked an “extraordinary concession, in order to promote reconciliation with Florida’s voters.”

Full Story Here:
Democrats consider Fla., Mich. delegate plans

There’s an old axiom that says ‘Reminds me of a Chinese fire drill’ and that is exactly what the Dems are conducting, a ‘Chinese fire drill’, one that takes place while panicked disorganization is in full bloom…

We all know that the left is pretty loony, and most Dems fit that ticket to a ‘T’, but if I was a Florida or Michigan Dem, and thank God I am neither, but if I was, and I wanted to show the DNC just what I thought of their silly-assed ruling that throws MY vote away, I’d turn around and vote Republican, Independent or maybe even sit the whole thing out just to show those goofy asshats like Howard Dean that I was not at all happy with their way of rendering MY vote irrelevant…

Florida and Michigan are nothing less than a nightmare for the DNC, and there is no way that the Florida or Michigan voters are going to be happy with the outcome, no matter what is decided, and I love it, serious and deep divides in the DNC are only working to the advantage of the RNC…

A lot of Republicans and nearly all REAL Conservatives know that McCain isn’t Superman, he is not going to, and cannot, fix everything that is wrong with the RNC, there’s just too much wrong and he’s too old, there’s not that much time left for McCain, it’s going to take years to correct the travesty that the RNC has become, and while many of us DO consider McCain to be nothing more than the lesser of ALL evils, at least the RNC has done one thing right, whether you like McCain or not, he’s what you have and you either back him and unite ALL Repubs and Conservatives in a push to get him elected or you end up with a dipstick like Obama in the Oval Office and this nation completely down the toilet…

I don’t make any secret of this fact, I can’t stand McCain, I think he’s one of the worst choices the RNC could have made, I don’t think he’s a REAL Republican by ANY standard, today’s definition or that of the Reagan era, I know he’s not a true Conservative, he sides with the Dems and libbers more than he does with the right, and yet he’s still the best of this current lot that’s up on the block…

I made Brad Marston at AZAMATTEROFACT a solemn promise, I told him that in the primaries I would NOT support McCain and wouldn’t link to ANY sites that were nothing more than McCain cheering sections, and I am always good to my word, I de-linked several McCain support sites from the blogrolls and I make NO apology for that, but I also told him that once the nominations were done, on both sides, that IF Hillary were the choice of the DNC that I would continue to support None of the Above, and I meant every word of it…

I also made it crystal clear that IF Obama were to become the DNC offering that I would then hold my nose, and under great protest, support John McCain simply because I can’t stand the very thought of Obama as the leader of this great nation…

And I am, after all, a man of my word, if the DNC comes down on Obama’s side, it’s game on and this WILL be a McCain for President site, and quite honestly, what choices do any of us have?? We can’t get an Independent candidate elected, not at this stage of the game, and if we don’t support McCain we’re in a lot deeper trouble than we would be if we didn’t…

Brad, we’ve battled long hard getting to this point but if Obama is the one, well, we’re all going to have to work our asses off to make sure that he doesn’t go to D.C. as president…

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Opposition mounts to US-Iraq security deal

May 30th, 2008 . by TexasFred

BAGHDAD (AP) - Tens of thousands rallied in several cities Friday against a proposed U.S.-Iraqi security agreement, raising doubts that negotiators can meet a July target to finalize a pact to keep U.S. troops in Iraq after the current U.N. mandate expires.

Although U.S. officials insist they are not seeking permanent bases, suspicion runs deep among many Iraqis that the Americans want to keep at least some troops in the country for many years.

Now where do you suppose those presumptive Iraqis ever got a silly idea like that?? Here Maybe?

“We denounce the government’s intentions to sign a long-term agreement with the occupying forces,” Asaad al-Nassiri, a sheik loyal to anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, said during a sermon in Kufa. “Our army will be under their control in this agreement, and this will lead to them having permanent bases in Iraq.”

President Bush and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki signed a statement last December on the future of U.S.-Iraqi relations, saying they planned to finalize a new security agreement by July 31 - in time for Iraq’s parliament to approve the deal before a U.N. mandate expires at the end of the year.

Maybe they’ve been reading McClellan’s new book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and What’s Wrong With Washington, the cat is out of the bag and the Iraqis know they’ve been had once again…

You can tell people over and over and over again, ‘we’re the USA and we’re here to help you, stay the course, you’ll see’, you can BS them just so many times, after a while they want to see results, and it would appear that our ideas concerning freedom and democracy just aren’t catching on in Iraq, and those ideas never will catch on, I don’t care how much smoke Bush and Company blow up your skirt, it’s not about hearts and minds, it’s not about Iraqi Freedom, and it’s not about WMDs, it’s about G.W. Bush getting a hard-on for Saddam, his threats against ‘Daddy’ and his defiance, I mean, how dare Saddam think that he could run his country HIS way, the shame of it all…

And by the way, exactly where do we, and by we I mean the Bush and Company, where do we come off telling ANY nation how to run themselves?? Bush has managed to pretty well screw up this nation over the last 7 1/2 years, he’s considered to be weak and ineffectual as a military leader and has no idea of foreign policy or how it works, he sends Condi into the Arab world and that in itself is a horrendous mistake, he is the laughing stock of the global leaders that he wishes to be the leader of, and in MY opinion when Prescott and G.H.W. Bush put their stock into George as being the chosen one to lead a One World Government, they got the short end of the stick…

I personally believe we need to take care of the War on Terror where that war really is, and we need to take care of our own domestic problems before we traipse off to Iraq and try and settle their problems…

Before the Friday protests, al-Sadr’s office in Baghdad issued a statement branding the negotiations as “a project of humiliation” aimed at turning Iraq “into a small stooge of the United States.”

Actually, the project isn’t all that small, Iraq can be a BIG stooge in this game, there’s way too much oil at stake for anything connected to Iraq to be called small…

OK, now I get really serious, Iraq is a DEBACLE and we’re in the middle of it, our economy is in the tank over this BS and Iraq had nothing to do with the war on terror or the attacks of 9-11, and that statement is made based on the findings of our own once upon a time Repub controlled Senate and House investigations, from back in the day when we had a Republican controlled House and Senate…

Also, to further substantiate my above statement, let me remind the Bush Bots of this fact, the Department of Defense also released their own findings concerning Iraq and the actions of 9-11, and according to the DoD Iraq was NOT involved, but you know, maybe the DoD is anti-American, that’s the accusations the Bush Bots throw out there every time someone takes on their Lord and Provider, The Bush and point out the fact that Iraq was NOT the place to go…

Now I don’t know about you but the way I look at it is this, when you take the findings of a once Republican House and Senate investigation into Iraq’s involvement in 9-11, couple that with reports from the DoD and their similar findings, then throw in the musings of Scott McClellan, well, we got screwed folks, over 4,000 troops have died because OF that screwing and we have lost untold BILLIONS of U.S. taxpayer dollars, and just what do we have to show for it??

Surely there’s blame to be assigned, it’s gotta be those damned ungrateful Iraqis, it’s all their fault, imagine them having the gall to NOT be ecstatic over their new found freedoms, provided by Mr. Bush and his Excellent Adventure

Full Story Here:
Opposition mounts to US-Iraq security deal

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Texas children roped into Islamic training

May 30th, 2008 . by TexasFred

Public school students at Friendswood Junior High in the Houston area have been roped into Islamic training by representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations during class time, prompting religious leaders to protest over Principal Robin Lowe’s actions.

Pastor Dave Welch, spokesman for the Houston Area Pastor Council, confirmed the indoctrination had taken place and called it “unacceptable.”

“The failure of the principal of Friendswood Junior High to respect simple procedures requiring parental notification for such a potentially controversial subject, to not only approve but participate personally in a religious indoctrination session led by representatives of a group with well-known links to terrorist organizations and her cavalier response when confronted, raises serious questions about her fitness to serve in that role,” the pastors’ organization said.

According to a parent, whose name was withheld, the children were given the Islamic indoctrination during time that was supposed to be used for a physical education class.

“I am simply trying to get the word out to those whose kids may not have told them about an Islamic presentation that all kids were required to attend,” wrote the parent, who was working to assemble protests to the school board.

OK, I don’t usually get too involved in things like this simply because, to put it quite frankly, I am not a deeply religious person, I have my beliefs and they are mine, and pretty private, freedom of and from religion you might say, but this is terribly over the top in my opinion…

General Rule: Organized prayer in the public school setting, whether in the classroom or at a school-sponsored event, is unconstitutional. The only type of prayer that is constitutionally permissible is private, voluntary student prayer that does not interfere with the school’s educational mission. SOURCE

For quite some time now we have been told, had it forced upon us actually, prayer is bad in public schools and a few folks took it to court, and found some liberal judges that agreed, prayer in schools is bad, so, there was a ruling that no school sponsored prayer or theology could be taught in our public, taxpayer funded schools, and we let them get by with it…

Now, our kids are forced to listen to the teachings of Islamic ‘evangelists‘?? Forced to listen?? What would the schools do if a Minister, a Priest or a Rabbi wanted to have equal time with the children as they presented their side of things?? Do you suppose a Christian or Jewish viewpoint would be given equal time?? I seriously doubt it…

What are they using as a selling point?? “We are the religion of peace, submit or die you little infidel“??

I have no problem with theology being taught to our children, but to infuse those teachings with the beliefs of Islam are way past any accepted normal as far as I am concerned…

There also was no parental notification, and students were required to attend.

Those marvelous folks that make it their mission in life to right all wrongs, the ACLU, and every other moonbat civil rights organization, would be all over this if Christianity or Judaism were the required courses of studies, where is their faux outrage now??

I submit to you that we are not only seeing a violation of all accepted policies regarding public education in America, we are also seeing the hypocrisy of the left as they sit silent while the travesty that is Islam is allowed to be taught to our children…

A big Hat Tip to YID With LID, where I found this today…

Full Story Here:
Texas children roped into Islamic training

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