Funeral for Detroit mosque leader draws hundreds
October 31st, 2009 . by TexasFredFuneral for Detroit mosque leader draws hundreds
DETROIT – Hundreds of people offered hushed prayers Saturday at the funeral for a slain Detroit mosque leader while authorities across the border in Canada made the final two arrests in a criminal case that is stirring some anger in the Muslim community.
Luqman Ameen Abdullah was remembered as a caring man who followed the tenets of his Islam faith as an imam, or prayer leader, of a small mosque north of downtown. Fellow imams said he was generous and a good brother, and no one mentioned the FBI’s claim that he had a violent, anti-government ideology.
The FBI says Abdullah, 53, was fatally shot inside a suburban warehouse Wednesday after firing at agents and resisting arrest. Agents wanted him on charges of weapons violations and conspiracy to sell stolen goods, one of 11 people named in a criminal complaint.
“We ask Allah to reward him with the promised reward of those who are martyred,” Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid of New York told mourners at the Muslim Center in Detroit.
Full Story Here:
Funeral for Detroit mosque leader draws hundreds
With ANY luck at all, this SOB is burning in HELL with the rest of the criminal scum that call themselves *The Religion of Peace*.
Some speakers demanded an independent investigation of Abdullah’s death, saying the fatal shooting seemed excessive.
Why is it do you suppose? When a *brother* shoots at someone, he lets rip with a full magazine of whatever POS he happens to be carrying, and Da ‘hood never says a word about it, but when the FBI, or ANY of their counterparts send said *brother* to HELL, it’s always “excessive”?
No terrorism charges have been filed against Abdullah, formerly known as Christopher Thomas, or the 10 others accused in the complaint. According to the FBI, Abdullah was a leader of a national radical Sunni group that wants to create an Islamic state within the U.S. Most members are black.
And again I ask WHY? Why is it that people like this Abdullah can advocate forming an Islamic state within the U.S. and the libbers cheer them on for their religious diversity, and defend them for having the courage to stand for their religion and it’s attempt to FORCE itself on the rest of us?
Once more, I ask WHY? Why is it that if the Governor of Texas makes a statement regarding secession, if fellow Texans blog about secession, if we even mention supporting Texas sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. constitution, WHY are we called anarchists?
That Islamic state, investigators said, would be ruled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who is serving a life sentence for killing two Georgia police officers.
ANY association with H. Rap Brown is ALL you need to know regarding the reasons for the FBI doing an investigation into Abdullah and his nefarious deeds! H. Rap Brown, Black Panthers leader turned Islamic moonbat!